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125 5th Avenue Northeast #160
Saint Petersburg, FL, 33701
United States


You have a purpose in life. Isn't it time you start living it? Creative Soul Coaching is about helping you reconnect to your happiness. Happy people who are connected to their purpose don't have time to be depressed. They don't surround themselves with people who bring them down or hold them back. Happy people who live their purpose make better decisions that elevate their life.

My name is Dan Mason. I walked away from a six-figure, corporate career where I was successful, but not fulfilled. It's the bravest and most rewarding thing i've ever done. On my journey, I learned the tools and techniques to find clarity about my life's mission, the uncover what was holding me back, and to overcome fear. Now I share these same tools with clients to help them live a life of freedom, confidence, fulfillment, and joy.

Pumpkin Spice


Pumpkin Spice

Guest User

Seriously, I just saw a news story about pumpkin-spice flavored Spam selling out in a day... it's officially out of control.

However, I’m popping into your inbox to remind you that a joyous life isn’t only available to you during the 8 weeks you can buy a pumpkin spice latte. You’re here to live a pumpkin spice LIFE.

Perhaps the best first step to creating yours is to understand the spiritual meaning of Autumn in the first place.

It’s about letting go.

Every journey has an end and Fall is about gracefully letting go.

Crops are harvested. We enjoy the bounty of last season while simultaneously letting that which no longer serves us wither away.

In nature, foliage changes colors and trees drop their leaves to the ground. As the days get colder and darker, trees are biologically programmed to release anything that will suck away too much energy.

This is how nature ensures plants survive the winter while also clearing space for beautiful, lush new life to be born in the Spring.

The same holds true for your life. Simply put, if you won’t let go of the old, you can’t usher in the new.

This is a season of reflection and release. What are you holding onto that no longer serves you?

Are you procrastinating on creating your purpose-driven, dream career because you’re afraid to let go of the soul-sucking job that keeps you financially secure, but also emotionally bankrupt?

Are you clinging to workaholic tendencies that are hurting your health and relationships?

Are you holding onto old beliefs of lack, limitation, and “not enough-ness” that keep you stuck where you’re at, while also keeping your dreams out of reach?

Whatever isn’t helping you move forward must fall away, otherwise you will get caught up in what I call “maintenance energy.”

Maintenance energy is what happens when you’re afraid to lose what you’ve already created. As a result, you begin to look backwards… 

But you can’t look back and move forward at the same time.

In fact, you can’t keep looking backwards and maintain what you have.

This is the metaphorical meaning behind the Biblical story of Lot’s wife, who collapsed into a pillar of salt after looking back at Sodom and Gomorrah.

Maintenance energy will give you an illusion of safety and control but will eventually lead to the regression you fear most.

You’ll look backwards and hang onto the “secure” job you’ve outgrown, only to be left feeling insecure when the company is sold, you get laid off, or suffer health problems from the stress.

You’ll keep looking back at the past to justify why you’re not “good enough” to have the thing you want, only to collapse into depression when you never even tried.

Whatever you desire in your career, relationships, finances, and life, the answer is to always release what’s in the past and make a choice to move FORWARD.

The soil you fertilize and the seeds you plant now will create next year’s harvest.

And I’m right here with you every step of the way.