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125 5th Avenue Northeast #160
Saint Petersburg, FL, 33701
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You have a purpose in life. Isn't it time you start living it? Creative Soul Coaching is about helping you reconnect to your happiness. Happy people who are connected to their purpose don't have time to be depressed. They don't surround themselves with people who bring them down or hold them back. Happy people who live their purpose make better decisions that elevate their life.

My name is Dan Mason. I walked away from a six-figure, corporate career where I was successful, but not fulfilled. It's the bravest and most rewarding thing i've ever done. On my journey, I learned the tools and techniques to find clarity about my life's mission, the uncover what was holding me back, and to overcome fear. Now I share these same tools with clients to help them live a life of freedom, confidence, fulfillment, and joy.

Meaningful transformation is a product of implementation


Meaningful transformation is a product of implementation

Guest User

Have you ever had the experience of listening to an inspiring podcast, watching a TED talk, or reading a self-help book and feeling like you were ready to conquer the world, only to find yourself slipping back into old habits of procrastination, perfectionism, and playing small a few days later?

We live in a culture that's seemingly in a constant search for more motivation. But the problem with most motivational content is that it is simply a resource. It cannot create change simply by consuming it.

Lasting, meaningful transformation is a product of IMPLEMENTATION.

You must take the lessons you learn on your personal growth journey and courageously put them into practice on a daily basis.

It's a simple idea in theory, but not always easy to put into practice. Why is that?

Because there are 3 keys to staying consistently aligned and implementing an action plan to reach your goals:

1) Your beliefs are incongruent with your desires. Yes, you THINK about earning abundantly to do work you love. You might even have a Pinterest board filled with pictures of your dream career, partner, and house.

Yet, when you say your positive affirmations or visualize that 7-figure paycheck, a little voice creeps into the back of your head.

"Who am I to want all of this money? Why do I deserve financial freedom when others are struggling?”

Underneath the desire is a conflicting belief that says you aren't good enough or worthy enough to make your dream happen.

Sometimes, that belief will even tell you the things you want are a threat.

You believe that if you raise your standards and play a bigger game, people will get jealous and abandon you. Or if you speak up about what you really want, the people you love will shame you for being selfish.

Making things even trickier is the fact these beliefs always lurk just under the surface, beyond your conscious awareness.

Let's be honest, If you became aware of your hidden blocks, you might actually fix them. So the ego gives you surface level stories of being "too busy" and tells you that you can take action when there's more money saved, or when the kids are off to college.

Sadly, most people will keep using those excuses until their loved ones are making funeral arrangements.

2) You don't have expert support. If you knew how to identify and overcome the hidden beliefs keeping you stuck, you would have already done it. This is why you need the help of an expert who can see your blind spots. It could be a mentor, coach, or therapist, but expert support is vital and the world's highest achievers have all had help along the way.

Mark Zuckerberg was mentored by Steve Jobs...

Bill Gates was mentored by Warren Buffett...

And while you might not be able to access the world's most influential people for guidance, you can easily find someone who has already achieved the results you want and can help you speed up your learning curve.

Unfortunately, most of us just seek advice from the people who are closest to us, who might also be playing small. This strategy will keep you stuck.

3) You must have an environment that supports your new beliefs. There's a reason prisons have a low success rate when it comes to rehabilitating criminals. We take the criminals, lock them in a facility with other criminals, then release them back out into the world and hope for the best.

If you are serious about changing your beliefs, you need to be an environment that supports it. An addict cannot stay sober if they are hanging around the places where people are still using. You can't own your worth in a relationship if you continue to live with an abusive or neglectful partner. And you will never create a purpose-filled career if you stay chained to a soul-sucking job with other people who are going through the motions for a paycheck.

How can you create an environment that will support the life you wish to create?

Now over to you!

Which of these areas are keeping you most stuck in your life? Is it just one? Or could it be all 3?

Share your thoughts below.

Looking for a coach to help you find your next level? Click here to schedule a complimentary, 30-minute discovery call with me so we can talk more about your goals and how I can help you accelerate your success!