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125 5th Avenue Northeast #160
Saint Petersburg, FL, 33701
United States


You have a purpose in life. Isn't it time you start living it? Creative Soul Coaching is about helping you reconnect to your happiness. Happy people who are connected to their purpose don't have time to be depressed. They don't surround themselves with people who bring them down or hold them back. Happy people who live their purpose make better decisions that elevate their life.

My name is Dan Mason. I walked away from a six-figure, corporate career where I was successful, but not fulfilled. It's the bravest and most rewarding thing i've ever done. On my journey, I learned the tools and techniques to find clarity about my life's mission, the uncover what was holding me back, and to overcome fear. Now I share these same tools with clients to help them live a life of freedom, confidence, fulfillment, and joy.

Online Purpose Course

Gain the clarity to take control and launch your career and Life to the next Level!

According to research, 40% of the workforce is considering a career change. But when you think about your next chapter, you’re probably flooded with questions like:

  • Do I even have purpose?

  • Can I really do work I love without running out of money?

  • Will following my dreams hurt the people I love?

    The truth is, without the right mentorship and training, we can easily become so overwhelmed by the questions that we never take inspired action to find the answers.

    But imagine entering 2022 with unprecedented clarity and confidence about your next right actions steps. Imagine having an expert mentor and a proven system to help you wake up each day fully connected to yourself, the people you love, and something bigger than you!

    It’s all possible when you Move from Your Purpose!

These 6 power-packed modules are the foundation to living an amplified life on your terms. Here’s what’s inside:

Module 1: Identifying Your Survival Programming

Are you really living the life you want? Or are you on a path you were conditioned to want? In this module, Dan will share the 3 career archetypes that represent the difference between a life of passion and purpose… or frustration and emptiness. Plus, he’ll help you identify and move beyond your subconscious success blocks so you trade procrastination and people-pleasing for your divine purpose!

Module 2: Unleash Your Purpose!

Imagine waking up each day with clarity, passion, and focus, knowing with absolute certainty why you were born and who you’re here to be. Purpose is the master key to unlock your next level of success AND fulfillment and in this module, Dan will help you create a personalized purpose statement for your life. You’ll finally have your North Star to guide you in 2022 and beyond!

Module 3: How to Take Back Your Power

If you’re going to take your purpose and make it real, you need ENERGY! But up until now, you may have unknowingly given away your power to everyone and everything else in your life. In this module, Dan will share how can take back your power and prioritize your purpose so that you show up as your most vibrant, lit-up self at work and at home.

Dan will share the cutting-edge, neuroscience backed research to help you join the top 8% of high performers and reach your 2022 goals with more ease and less stress. You’ll learn a holistic goal setting process, that addresses all areas of life so you 10X your success, joy, and abundance in your career, finances, and relationships.

Module 5: Creating a Purposeful and Profitable Second Act

Your purpose is NOT your career, but now that you know your purpose, you can build a second career act that’s meaningful to you, the world, and your bank account. In this module, Dan will share the 3 foundations of an amplified career and help you find the intersection between your skills, gifts, and your mission, so you build an Amplified career you’re excited to get out of bed for.

Module 6: Your 5-Step Success Plan.

How do you stay consistent and committed to your goals when life throws you a curveball? In this module, you’ll get the 5-step Amplified Success Plan, so you protect your joy, overcome challenges, and make your purpose real. Plus, Dan will share the mindset shift to help you move beyond the fear of failure for good.

Bonus: Q&A Support

You’ll be supported every step of the way. Enroll Today and Get Access to Q&A Support from Dan and access to our Private Facebook Community. (Value: $500)

Risk-Free Guarantee

Try the Move from Your Purpose Masterclass for 3 days. If you aren’t happy with the course, simply send us your homework for the first 3 modules and we’ll refund your investment…. no questions asked! There’s zero-risk for you to Move From Your Purpose!

Here’s What People are Saying about Dan.

“Before Dan, I always knew I was capable of being “more than this,”but didn’t know what direction to move in. After one year of working with Dan, I’ve started my own online business making more than I ever did as a state employee. I now have the confidence, clarity, and self-love to build the life I’ve always wanted!


Here’s the side effects of working with Dan. First, I’m doing work I LOVE. Like… I’m talking a super high level of enthusiasm. Every day feels like Christmas morning. I have a more clear picture of the things I love, my own values. and what I am all about. Living this way has helped me attract “my people”- people who I click with and build energy and inspiration from. I’m more present with my family and in my marriage.I have a better balance of work and life and have made more time for self-care. Thanks, Dan for living out your purpose and helping me to do the same.”


“The last few months have been incredible! I resigned from a toxic job and started a dream job in New York City. I’m leading a fantastic team of people and am now truly empowered to bring the very best of me to the table. I finally feel driven and engaged again! Thank you, Dan, for your guidance and support”



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